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Project Team

Associate producer and researcher Paula Paulin has researched and acquired rights for literally thousands of images, including those used to create videos for exhibitions at the Skirball Cultural Center, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Paula also co-produces videos and multi-image shows, including the "scrapbook videos" for Robert Half International's annual awards banquet, and documentaries for the annual "Women of Achievement, Vision, and Excellence" awards.
Paula is also a rephotographer, using a Marren-Carrel rostrom camera to shoot flat art and slide duplicates, and Paula is a still photographer, shooting prints or slides for corporate and private events.

Contributing writers Vicki Carlyle Weiland, Gene Stevens, Vicki Bagrowski, and Mary O'Brien have written about subjects as diverse as kimonos in Edo Period Japan; the history of the Black Olympians; the interrelationship between wine, food, and the arts; and teen pregnancy. They also write speaker text for corporate meetings and events.

Designer Arthur Avary creates digital imagery for all purposes, including speaker support; wide-screen panorama presentations; asset design for CD-ROMs and the Internet; as well as titles and special effects for video
Arthur also designed this web site, and designs websites for clients. His skills and tools include Photoshop, Illustrator, Powerpoint, After Effects, Cinema 4D, Adobe GoLive, HTML 4.0, Flash, and Real Producer.

Consulting art director Sabeth Thomas Ireland has helped create entertaining fashion show modules for Macy's "Passport" and Conde Naste Publications.

Two video editors/producers who collaborate with Inocencio/Siegel are Michael Rohde, who shot and edited videos for Birkenstock shoes and Robert Half International, and Brandon Butrick, who shot and edited videos for The San Jose Redevelopment Agency, and The Dychtwald Group.

Soundtrack designer David Litwin has created soundtracks for corporate and museum presentations, including the 40 minute long soundtrack to "The Galilee Experience," which has been translated into 15 languages for its visitor center in Tiberias, Israel. David also composes original music, such as for the soundtrack to "The Circle of Life."

Still photographer Joe Czop has shot location photography (in collaboration with David Inocencio) as far away as Bangkok, Thailand (for Thai Airways). Joe also shoots formal portraits and "scrapbook" candids for corporate meetings and events.

Staging partners AV Technica and deKramer Productions, collaborate with The Studio of David Inocencio/Minette Siegel to provide full-scale staging support and overall technical direction for meetings and special events. This includes set, sound, and lighting design, video and multi-image projection, teleprompting and data presentation systems, and video image magnification and documentation. Clients have included the University of California Berkeley, Robert Half International, and Levi Strauss & Co.

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